About Benten Water Solutions

We understand the requirements, practicalities and operational limitations of water quality monitoring technologies inside-out. This ensures our clients obtain the best value for their monitoring budget or the most attractive investment opportunities.

quality insight at your disposal

Benten Water Solutions is an independent research and consultancy company. We supply research and advisory services related to water quality (biological, chemical and ecological), monitoring (online, offline, chemical and biological) and environmental sciences, as well as technical due diligence and market assessments. Our expertise in these fields comes from a proven track record in the water sector and hands-on experience in the use and development of quality monitoring systems. We maintain an extensive international network in the water industry which allows us to tap into additional knowledge and resources whenever necessary.

Corina Carpentier

Aquatic Ecotoxicologist / Managing Director
Corina Carpentier, PhD (Ecotoxicology), has over 25 years’ experience in the field of (online) water quality monitoring, and specialises in the development of monitoring programmes for surface waters and drinking water, ecological water monitoring and research, and biological effects monitoring. Additionally, Corina is an international expert on the technical and market analysis of emerging technologies for online water quality monitoring. With a background in drinking water and aquatic ecotoxicological research, Corina is a PRINCE2-certified project manager with over 14 years’ experience in managing large international research projects in the water sector.

Adriana Hulsmann

External Advisor for Water Quality and Water Legislation
Adriana Hulsmann, PhD, developed her career in the drinking water sector as a water quality and EU-legislation specialist. She coordinated and conducted numerous European collaboration projects and provided support to the European Commission regarding a variety of water regulations. As such, she was involved in two revision processes of the EU Drinking Water Directive (1998 and 2020). Recently retired, she now supports Benten Water Solutions with her wealth of knowledge and expertise in (drinking) water quality.