Quality insight for the water industry
We support the optimisation of your water quality monitoring strategies to improve process efficiency and sustainability, protect ecosystems and ensure water safety.
We help you to gain insight into water technology developments and market opportunities for sensor technologies, to ensure your investment decisions are based on solid technical data.
We conduct, manage and support water monitoring projects across the globe, to ensure smooth and timely delivery of successful results.
our clients & partners
Water is a critical resource
The quality of water needs to be monitored and controlled continuously, whether it be drinking water production followed by distribution to the consumer, wastewater treatment, the ecological quality of natural waters or industrial processes.
In all its activities, Benten proceeds from its vision that water quality monitoring is not a goal in itself, but a means to an end.
Collecting water quality data only makes sense if the data are reliable and can be converted into meaningful information to take effective action. This requires careful planning of the monitoring campaign, either by means of sampling and laboratory analysis or with the help of on-site sensor technologies.
Benten Water Solutions is a research and consulting company which aims to assist water utilities, water management boards, environmental agencies and industry to better understand all aspects of water quality. We provide expert support throughout the entire process of formulating water quality objectives and designing effective and cost-efficient monitoring strategies to collecting, interpreting and reporting water quality data within the relevant context.
A short promotional film from 2015 about Benten Water Solutions.
Produced by TrueLight Films for the Water Alliance, NL.
Featured project
Reporting on derogations under the EU Drinking Water Directive
Drinking water utilities which have been granted derogations for one or more water quality parameters under the EU DWD are required to report on these parameters to the Dutch Inspectorate. On behalf of five Dutch water utilities, Benten has reported on derogations for melamine, trifluoroacetic acid (TFA), glyphosate and its metabolite aminomethyl phosphonic acid (AMPA), chlorate and chlorite.