project details
Iasi Drinking Water Project
Apavital drinking water company in Iasi (Romania) uses both groundwater and surface water from the rivers Prut and Moldova as raw water sources for the production of its drinking water. Upstream pollution of the river water threatens the quality of the drinking water.
January 2011 – December 2012
Within the framework of a "Partners for Water" project, Apavital Iasi and Dunea drinking water company from the Netherlands, supported by the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, initiated a pilot project for the development of an intake management system along the Prut and Moldova rivers. The main goal of the project is a quick and reliable detection of high-impact contamination of the river. The project's objectives are:
- mapping the actual water quality and variations therein (including risks in the river basins)
- identification of specific target compounds and generic (effect-based) parameters
- design and implementation of two water quality monitoring stations
- development of an intake management system, including alarm protocols
- training and dissemination
Benten’s water quality monitoring experts assess the river’s major water pollution threats, support the implementation of monitoring equipment, evaluate the data and assist in the training of local staff to operate and manage the stations.
Clients & partners:
- Dunea Duin en Water (lead partner;
- Interline Systems B.V. (
- Het Waterlaboratorium (HWL;
- Biemond Business Support (project management;